
Gameplay Information

Starchess has the same rules as chess with the exception of castling and en passant. The size of the board and the increased mobility of the king made the castling and en passant unnecessary.

  • Tetrahedron = Pawn
  • Dodecahedron = Knight
  • Octahedron = Bishop
  • Cube = Rook
  • Icosahedron = Queen
  • Sphere = King

Movement Selection

  • To select the piece you want to move, simply click or tap on it.
  • To deselect, tap off the piece.
  • Once a piece is selected, boxes appear which represent potential moves.
  • If you click a box and it is red, you cannot move there. If you click the box and it is green then you can. Green means the move is legal.
  • Click a legal box twice to move the piece there.
  • When you are in check, the menu button will go red. You can only move to those positions that get your sphere out of check.